New 5-week workshop available for 2024.
April 14 – May 12, with Retreat April 26, 27 & 28.

Please join the Notifications List for updates.



We are each working with powerful elemental forces within ourselves to create balance, energy and power.

As modern men, these forces are pulled out of balance, which saps our vitality and robs us of experiencing life fully, passionately, and successfully.

By exploring these elements through a variety of practices, we can transform ourselves and create new lives.

After years of solo-study and rarely finding gatherings of men to study with in Texas, five practitioners have gathered to combine what works for us, to learn from one another, and to share all of this with as many men as possible in ways that really work.

The Alchemists Workshop is an online and in-person program for men consisting of:

The program is designed for you to both see and feel long-term benefits such as:

Over the course of the program, you will participate in:


Our program is for men 21 years of age or older who seek more out of life. Let us ask you…

If any of these sound like you, then…


This program will be challenging and rewarding. It will provide a wide range of innovative practices to revitalize your mind, body, and spirit.

It will celebrate your masculinity while also opening up your vulnerability. It will not be for closed-minded men, but will help those who are “stuck” in a rut or numb.

Then the Alchemists Workshop is for you.


We all come from diverse backgrounds, but we share the same goal, which is to authentically share our skills, knowledge, and tools we have gained on this journey with other men to help them level up their lives quickly.

Additionally, we will introduce you to several special guests and speakers throughout the workshop.

Dr. Nelson Valena

Dr. Nelson Valena is board certified medical doctor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Brain Injury Medicine with a practice in neurological rehabilitation for over 20 years.

He recently completed an integrative medicine fellowship with the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine and has special interest in energy medicine and Shamanism. He and his partner Jason Anderson created Golden Hill Retreat Center (GHRC) in Coldspring, Texas to be a refuge where people can learn about natural modalities for healing and to awaken our inner healer. Listen to a recent podcast (opens in new window.)

Matthew Woodhill

Matthew Woodhill is a passionate explorer and healer with 25+ years of training in modalities to benefit the body, mind, and spirit. His training came from well-respected teachers, books, ceremonies, plant medicines, mentorship, travel, and seminars.

He also has 15+ years of experience creating events, retreats, workshops, & coaching programs. This creative experience includes designing and co-facilitating three month-long programs in Peru for Spirit Quest Programs.

Jason Barrows

Jason began his healing journey in 2018, which led to him to work with sacred plant medicines and other indigenous practices. He began facilitating men’s circles in February of 2020 and has since then co-facilitated a monthly men’s circle at Ancestral Spirit Tribe in Willis, TX where men of a wide variety of backgrounds and ages have found a safe place to open their hearts and be vulnerable and expand.

Jason and his wife are currently creating an educational regenerative farm, Eutierria. He’s been a musician since childhood and can be found supporting yagé ceremonies with medicine music. He finds great joy in being in service to others.

James Ratliff

James is 700HR RYT specializing in Hatha Yoga. He is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Interfaith Divinity studying the many truths of the world. James believes that all spiritual paths spring forth from the same well of divine being and brings the essence of many traditions to his yoga classes.

James has served and studied in various parts of the world having finished his yoga studies in Nepal and being a member of Performers Without Borders in Africa. His main teachings focus on how to cultivate a healthy body, a peaceful mind, and a joyful heart.

Jordan Abernathy

Jordan is a published poet, model/influencer, and runs a vending machine business with his family. In 2021 he was called to seek spiritual enlightenment and transformation through the path of Shamanism. After completing his rigorous training, he has found peace within himself, overcoming his dark night of the soul. He continues his healing journey by way of helping guide others as they take the first steps into their own power. He believes we all have an innate personal power that can light up the world, but we must first be faced with our own shadow. Jordan can be found leading retreats around the US, finding joy in service to others who believe themselves to have lost their way.


The Alchemists Workshop is an investment into yourself that has a very real potential to positively change many areas and aspects of your life. You will get out of it what you put into it.
Additionally, you’ll get to connect with other like-minded men who share the same pains, struggles, ideas, and desires to improve themselves.
Many of our life-long friendships and even business partnerships were initiated from events, retreats, and groups like this.
Although the personal and spiritual growth you can obtain, along with the friendships that can be gained are priceless, we have worked hard to keep the pricing as low as possible for our initial Workshop.
Programs like the Alchemists Workshop typically require an investment of $2,995 per person (or much more) for the weeks of preparation & integration training, as well as the all-inclusive weekend retreat.
However, we are putting the growth of our community first. We decided to lower the investment to only $650 to $750 (depending on room type) so we can share this transformative work with as many men as we can support.
In the future, prices may increase to match our team’s investment in the community and additional costs for what we deliver, but we are prioritizing healing above profits.
If you are serious about joining us, get onto the notification list now to learn more about the upcoming Workshops.


Golden Hill Retreat Center is a collaboration by Nelson Valena MD and Jason Anderson to develop a sacred space where healers of all traditions share their knowledge and experience to help people find their inner healer.

We welcome you to come explore our facility, with the intention to empower you to be your best self aligned with your soul.

The 2 1/2 acre property has ample gardens, gazebo, outdoor dining areas, and fire pits. The property also has a 1,000 sq foot kitchen/dining area that can accommodate 30 people.


We will provide additional details via email and on live Zoom meetings.

You will be able to ask us any questions you  have to ensure that the Alchemists Workshop is right for you.

The Spring 2024 program for the Alchemists Workshop includes:

Four ONLINE Group Sessions
Sundays, 7:30-9:00 PM CST
Prepare : 4/14 & 4/21
Integrate : 5/5 & 5/12 

IN-PERSON Weekend Retreat
April 26, 27 & 28

Join the notification list today to find out the dates and other opportunities to participate.

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alchemists workshop